Tuesday, June 19, 2007

should i stay or should i go?

alessa, patty, and i have been talking recently about 2007 being our "make or break" year.. hitting quarter-life has never been so challenging, and the need to make majorly BIG decisions that quite possibly will change our lives forever.

1. comfort zone over unchartered territory?
sure everyone loves his/her comfort zone, i mean there is no better place in the world than home.. your own room, own bed, own bathroom (except in a foreign city and staying in a swanky hotel, that is) but even that lacks big time in "having it all" in one place.. friends, family, and all other conveniences of being in your own house.

unchartered territory?
plunging into the unknown, taking a chance, not knowing who you'll meet and what types of people you'll encounter, just knowing that chances are you'll get along with some and get ticked off by others, being unsure whether you'll enjoy your work there or will be pining for adobo back home.. having to do laundry, having to commute, having to walk out in the sun everyday.. but isn't life like that? it gives you what you give it. it only depends if you're giving something worthwhile.

2. self-improvement over friends
wanting to learn more, study more, be more, is only a human emotion.. that's if you're not the mediocre kind. i was always that person who wanted to stretch myself to the limit.. in college i never picked teachers, i picked schedules. basta i wanted to be home by this time and not have ludicrously long breaks. if i had a sucky teacher, i dealt with it. basta i knew i didn't want those evening or weekend classes, even if it was a rumored sure-A. if you want something, you do what it takes to get it. if you don't have an easy time because of a choice you made, then you suck it up, because you have a goal and you will work to get it.

friends are self-explanatory.. they still lie within your comfort zone.. they make you feel better.. they make you forget you ever had this problem or this crappy relationship.. hell they even make you forget your manners if you ever drink too much together. but friends are friends, and they'll be there as long as you feed and nurture your relationship, whether you're next door or in the next continent. and if they're the real kind, they stick with you no matter what.

3. career over love?
your career is still your comfort zone.. it is steadiness, it is something you know by heart and can do even if you're half asleep or whether your eyes are open or closed. it is the assurance that you'll always have a socially accepted way to pass your day, you'll always have something to say when you meet an old classmate for the first time in years, you'll always have money in the bank and in your wallet, you'll always have the glimmer of higher position somewhere down the road.
that's why we lose ourselves in our jobs. i know i do sometimes.

this is not my comfort zone.. this is my unchartered territory. i am almost in fear of what it can do to me should i take this step again soon.. i have tried so hard and been so successful at being alone, taking care of myself, that it terrifies me to have to consider this option. we are at the phase of almost needing to be in a relationship, should be in a relationship, titas and lolas asking why we're not in a relationship, or just not being there and not being interested at all. this was me for the last few years.. jaded, disinterested, career-oriented, that i just wasn't looking and didn't even make time to meet new people. like all other romanticists, i wait.

patty asked, should i have had one right now for the last three months and i knew he was the right one, and he's down on his knees asking for marriage, i'll still say NO. i'm just not ready. if he could wait a couple more years then maybe i will be. i should be. i want to be.

truth is, weighing these things is really causing some stress on my part (i'm sure for some of my friends as well).. you know the song that says "be careful what you wish for, 'cause you just might get it all.." yes, it seems that is what happened. i have been wishing and hoping for these things for so long that they seem to have arrived all at one time. problem is, i need to leave the country if i chose one, and stay here for a shot at the other. one or the other? hayyyyyyy i really don't know. i just don't know.

anyway.. stresses aside. been having some fun in the sun this summer with friends.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
i think i need another beer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

marie france ;)you were always the take me anywhere, risk taker, living on the edge, adventurous kind of girl. nothing and no one will stop you from getting what you want and you know you deserve even if it means being cinderella/manang and sacrificing nights out ;) i really admire your guts and ambitions , so go for it, now is the time to dream and live BIG, so come here na!! haha but wherever the wave takes you, i support you! and i'm here for you!

12:43 PM  
Blogger Muffin said...

awww mee thanks so much for your support!!! means a whole lot that you are backing me up and believe in me even when sometimes i'm not sure what i believe in anymore.. i love you talaga and miss you soooo much.. i do hope the wave takes me somewhere near to you! =)

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey muff!
i totally agree with almost everything u said.
but cant say much HERE.
text me at 0917-8834134

12:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

we are all self improving creatures:) but it is the risk that makes us human.

cross roads... we hate them but we learn from them!:)

till our next coffee date!


11:03 PM  
Blogger alessa said...

for real na for realZ!!!!
haha! so happy for ya dude :P

12:09 AM  

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